Best selling product in season.
We invented the product for the Danes back in 1977 – this ensures you a thoroughly tested product.
Quality: We supply fresh peas of the highest quality, which are hand-picked and carefully selected to ensure the best taste and texture.
We are stable in our deliveries and can ensure the flow towards the vegetable department in the store.
We also produce snowpeas and sugar snaps ourselves - we want to supplant overseas production and follow the trend in society.
We have fields abroad to support the Danish business, so deliveries are safer in the event of hail or late frost.
The product is available in many sizes and formats – we have the know-how to get sales going.
Greenpeas A/S
Eskemosevej 8
5853 Ørbæk
CVR: 40619437
© 2023 Greenpeas A/S