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We believe that our CSR activities are important to creating a sustainable future and we are determined to continue making a positive difference in our society and environment.


Society and environment

At Greenpeas, we take our responsibility as a company seriously. We are dedicated to making a positive difference in our society and environment through our CSR activities.

One of our most important CSR activities is our commitment to sustainable agriculture. We work closely with our producers and field teams to ensure that their farming methods are sustainable and environmentally friendly. This includes reducing the use of chemicals and pesticides, and increasing the use of field improvement methods. We regularly have people on courses and we do this to ensure that we also have good conditions for growing crops in Denmark in the future. That is why we are Global GAP and GRASP certified.


Fairness and human responsibility

We are committed to fair trade and work further to ensure that our workers have orderly working conditions. That is why we are Global GRASP certified – a security for you as a consumer of our products, so you know that what you take home from the supermarket has been produced under proper conditions.

Fairness and human responsibility

We are committed to fair trade and work further to ensure that our workers have orderly working conditions. That is why we are Global GRASP certified – a security for you as a consumer of our products, so you know that what you take home from the supermarket has been produced under proper conditions.

Fairness and human responsibility

We are committed to fair trade and work further to ensure that our workers have orderly working conditions. That is why we are Global GRASP certified – a security for you as a consumer of our products, so you know that what you take home from the supermarket has been produced under proper conditions.

Fairness and human responsibility

We are committed to fair trade and work further to ensure that our workers have orderly working conditions. That is why we are Global GRASP certified – a security for you as a consumer of our products, so you know that what you take home from the supermarket has been produced under proper conditions.


Vores mission er at bidrage til en bæredygtig fremtid, og vi arbejder hver dag for at leve op til disse mål.

Vores bidrag til FN’s Verdensmål

Vi arbejder målrettet for at gøre en positiv forskel for både mennesker og planeten og støtter flere af FN’s verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling:​​​​​​​​​​

Sundhed og Trivsel: Vi skaber et sundt og sikkert arbejdsmiljø, hvor vores medarbejdere trives og har adgang til støtte og sundhedsfremmende initiativer.

Ligestilling mellem Kønnene: Vi sikrer, at alle på vores arbejdsplads har lige muligheder, uanset køn, og vi arbejder aktivt for at fremme ligestilling.

Anstændige Jobs og Økonomisk Vækst: Vi tilbyder trygge og retfærdige arbejdsvilkår til alle vores medarbejdere, herunder udenlandsk arbejdskraft, og skaber jobmuligheder, der fremmer inklusion og vækst.

Mindre Ulighed: Vi reducerer ulighed ved at støtte medarbejdere fra forskellige baggrunde og sikrer, at alle har en fair chance for at bidrage og udvikle sig.

Ansvarligt Forbrug og Produktion: Vi tilrettelægger vores produktion efter forbrug, hvorved vi minimerer spild og drager nytte af vores alles jord på en ansvarlig måde til glæde for de næste generationer.

Klimaindsats: Vores produktioner er uden kunstgødning og tæt ved kunden, derved tager vi konkrete skridt for at reducere vores klimaaftryk og beskytte miljøet for fremtidige generationer.

Livet på Land: Vi anvender bæredygtige dyrkningsmetoder, der bevarer biodiversiteten og tager hensyn til naturen.

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